Zaha Hadid Architect

“I really believe in the idea of the future.” “I don't think that architecture is only about shelter, is only about a very simple enclosure. It should be able to excite you, to calm you, to make you think.” “People don't talk to you properly.

Leonardo da vinci Architect

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.”

al-dar team

Eng.Ammar Mrii and his wife Dr.Maria taha


Eng.Ammar: -Architect -Bachelor's degree in Architectural Engineering2003. -Founder of the Al Dar Decoration.

Eng.Issa Greeg


Architect. -Bachelor's degree in Architectural Engineering2000. -Consultant Engineer. -Designer. -Supervisor.

Eng. Mohammad Mrii


-Architect. -Bachelor's degree in Architectural Engineering2012. -Project supervisor.

Eng.Batoul Attieh


-Architect and Graphic designer. -Bachelor's degree in Architectural Engineering2022. -Aldar website designer. -Project supervisor and follower. -Administrator and developer of the Al Dar platform

Who we Are?

Al-Dar Institution for Constructions and Decorations

Aldar is an office that deals with Engineering Field and alternative energy. it was established in 2008  and it has carried out projects in all of Syria, Jordan, and Cyprus.

We are doing building works related to reconstruction, restoring, demolition, and rebuilding works. we also do internal and external cladding for apartment blocks, companies, and banks.

What Services do we provide?

1-Decorating and applying trading and residential projects

2-Making and designing internal decorations for Trade Companies

3-Making and designing internal decorations for apartment blocks

4-Applying cladding works of front facades for governmental institutions in the country

Daily Workers
0 +
Professional Workers
0 +
Experts Engineers
0 +
Projects Done
0 +

Main activities performed by the company

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